• (250) 492-5647
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Membership Information

Registration will start around August 1, 2023.  That means you can go on line to this new website and register for all the leagues that you want to curl in.  You will be getting a 10% discount on leagues after your first one.  The first one will always be charged at full price and will alway be the higher priced league of them all.

If you are having trouble registering you can stop by the club and see me to register you, also we will be having a registration night on Sept 12 just before our AGM.

As well i will be placing my order to Goldline around the 3rd week of September, so if you are looking for a specific shoe size or style, or anything that Goldline carries, i can always order it in for you so that you have it for the start of the season.

SPARES:  This has always been a bit of problem in the past so i want to make sure it is laid out very clearly.  For the evening competitive leagues: It is up to the skip to make sure any spares used are reported to me prior to your game.  If your spare is a member from another league then their is no charge ( but let me make myself very clear on this, if you are using the same person over and over and over he is no longer a spare and he now has to be a member of your team) Spares for the competitive leagues cannot play in a position any higher than the person you are replacing, and cannot skip or throw last rocks no matter what.  Also for a game to count in the competitive leagues you must have at least two members from the registered team playing, you can use 3 spares but then the game is just for fun and you have forfeited the game.  Spare fees are as follows, membership only spares (not in a league) - $13, non member - $16, 

Spares for the afternoon leagues (Senior Mens, Afternoon Ladies):  If you are using a spare that is a member but doesnt play in a league then they must pay $13/game.  If you are using a player that is not a member then they must pay $16/game.  If you are using a member that is registered in another league then they would get 4 games without charge, but after that they must pay $10/game

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Club Sponsors

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Nufloors Curling Classic Sponsors

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.

Our Location

Penticton Curling Club
505 Vees Drive
Penticton, BC, Canada  V2A 8S3

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We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.

© 2025 Penticton Curling Club - Curling. All Rights Reserved. | Curling Club Management System and Website by CurlingClubManager.com

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